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4.3 Jumper Settings

4.3.5 ARCNET Coax Termination

The coax interface for the ARCNET local area network uses a BNC connector. At both ends of the network segment, the coaxial cable must be terminated.

Figure 4-6 Onboard Coax Termination

The terminating resistor can be placed at the cable, using a T-connector with a BNC terminator, or the onboard terminator on the CC121 can be used. Jumper JB6 is used to select the cable termination on the CC121 module. When a jumper is installed the coax cable is terminated with the onboard terminating resistor of 93 Ohms. This resistor has the proper value for RG62A/U type of coaxial cable. When no jumper is installed, the coax connector represents a high-impedance cable interface.

CC121 - ARCNET Interface for VMEbus - 30 SEP 1996
Copyright © 1996 Compcontrol, Inc.

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