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Chapter 5 Operating Instructions

5.2 Device Group Registers

Each device group consists of three sets of channel registers, a mode register, a reset register and two BIM (Bus Interrupter Module) registers.

Each group has its own set (master/slave) of two TCHT12316 devices.

Device Group Registers
$00 Channel 1 Registers
$10 Channel 2 Registers
$20 Channel 3 Registers
$33 Group Mode Register
$37 Group Reset Register
$3B Group BIM Control Reg
$3F Group BIM Vector Reg

5.2.1 - Channel Registers
5.2.2 - Group Mode Register
5.2.3 - Group Reset Register
5.2.4 - Group BIM Control Register
5.2.5 - Group BIM Vector Register

CC133 - 12 Channel Incremental Encoder Interface With Isolated Inputs - 30 SEP 1996
Copyright © 1996 Compcontrol, Inc.

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